Look up your engine serial number

Find your serial number

The serial number is a unique identifier for your product and it can be found on decals and/or plates. However, the appearance and location may differ depending on model and year of manufacture.

Refer to your closest Volvo Penta dealer to get further support.

Information decals

Information decals

Engine Identification Numbers

1. Product designation
2. Product number
3. Serial number
Information decals

Engine Identification Numbers

1. Product designation
2. Product number
3. Serial number
4. Output
Information decals

Engine Identification numbers

1. Product designation
2. Serial number
3. Product number
4. Certification
Information decals

Engine identification numbers

A. Product number
B. Product designation
C. Serial number

Product plates

Engine Identification Numbers

Product plates

1. Product designation
2. Product number
3. Serial number
Engine Identification Numbers

Product plates

1. Product designation
2. Product number
3. Serial number
4. Output
Engine Identification numbers

Product plates

1. Product designation
2. Serial number
3. Product number
4. Certification
Engine identification numbers

Product plates

A. Product number
B. Product designation
C. Serial number
Drive unit and reverse gear plates

Product plates

4. Product designation
5. Gear ratio
6. Serial number
7. Product number
Transom shield assembly plates

Product plates

8. Product designation
9. Serial number
10. Product number

Applies for Aquamatic Sterndrive and Forward drive only
Engine identification numbers

Product plates

1. Product designation
2. Product number
3. Serial number
Engine identification numbers

Product plates

1. Product designation
2. Product number
3. Serial number
Product plates

Drive and transom

Drive unit & reverse gear identification numbers

4. Product designation
5. Gear ratio
6. Serial number
7. Product number

Transom shield assembly identification numbers*

8. Product designation*
9. Serial number*
10. Product number*

* Transom shield assembly numbers applies to Aquamatic sterndrive only.
Map of city with water photographed at night time from above

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