Boating Dreams Ruben Donné
Boating Dreams: Sailing for MS Research
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Boating Dreams: Sailing for MS Research

When his father was diagnosed with MS in 2016, 29-year old Ruben Donné decided to fulfil a very special boating dream, to sail from Nieuwpoort, Belgium to Cape Town, South Africa in order to raise funds and awareness to MS research.

The funding was simple and clever. Sponsors and donators could buy any of the 7,818 nautical miles of the voyage that also took Ruben to the pit-stop in Salvador, Brazil. When he set sail on October 1st he had raised over € 60 000 for international research and MS Netwerk Limburg.

– Although the sailing across the Atlantic has always been a dream, it was him being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, that made me actually go for the dream, says Ruben.

After 60 days alone at sea, via 3 continents, he arrived in Cape Town and was reunited with his father.

– Having my dad standing here on the jetty while I was arriving was for sure the most special moment we had in our lives together. Undoubtedly, actually.

Ruben is now back from his challenge, but has already a new boating dream, the Vendée Globe 2020.

– I have accomplished my boating dream, but once the ocean gets a hold of you, it's difficult to be on shore for a long time.

Read more about Ruben and support his cause on

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