Welcome to Volvo Penta Connect
Everything regarding your Volvo Penta engine or product in one place. Manuals, handbooks, spare parts, recalls, quality campaigns, warranty status, and more.
Welcome to Volvo Penta Connect, the new platform for fleet owners and leisure owners. Register your engine to access relevant information such as manuals, recalls, and warranty status. Registration ensures your local dealer is ready to support you with the right parts and services. Best of all, it's completely free.
Convenient manual access
All your manuals in one click
With Volvo Penta Connect, you no longer need to search for the serial number to access manuals. Our platform offers a one-click solution, providing you with the full collection of manuals and handbooks for all your engines and products.
Quickly find the right spare parts
Volvo Penta Connect offers an easy-to-use feature that simplifies the process of finding the correct spare part for your Volvo Penta engine - without the hassle of searching for the serial number or engine model.
Track product maintenance
View the registered service history for your products
Stay updated on the health of your products with Volvo Penta Connect. Get a comprehensive overview, including service details, of your registered service history for all your Penta products.
Volvo Penta Connect

Keeping track of all your warranties
Your warranties in Volvo Penta Connect
Get an overview of all your warranties and coverages. Check whether they are active and how long they will be valid, and receive notifications when they are about to expire.

Ensure uptime
Discover if you have active campaigns
With Volvo Penta Connect, keeping track of your product campaigns has never been easier. Ensure your products are up-to-date and always functioning at their best.