General Information
Volvo Penta Connect is a customer portal where you get an overview of your unit(s) and relevant information such as manuals & handbook, campaigns, warranty status and more.
Safety-related retroactive introduction of production change must be implemented immediately in order to secure safe operation of the product. Volvo Penta will cover all expenses to implement the campaign, including service expenses and parts needed.
Warranty and extended coverage
Volvo Penta products come with a complimentary factory warranty, the AB Volvo Penta International Limited Warranty, hereinafter jointly referred to as “Standard Warranty”.
The coverage is valid during a defined period of time and accumulated hours of operation since date of delivery (whichever occurs first) and is subject to the combination of product and application type.
Registered service
The registered services you can see in the unit details are services conducted by our Volvo Penta dealer network only. Information about services done by non Volvo Penta dealer will not be registered and hence not visible here.