The advanced Volvo Penta IPS technology, both
IPS for commercial and
IPS for leisure is a ground-breaking system that elevates what’s possible on the water. For the leisure boater, it’s an enabler that enhances the experience, facilitating new ways to explore and enjoy. For commercial operators, it opens up a wealth of possibilities through its unrivaled efficiency, control and design.
Boaters enjoy better comfort on board thanks to the reduced noise and vibrations that come from a smoother and quieter ride. Its compact footprint also means boat builders need less space in the engine room which in turn means more room for an extra cabin, deck space or an extended swim platform, and larger leisure areas to relax.
Once out on the water, the system offers the ability to cruise farther without the need to refuel, while emissions are reduced too. Boaters also enjoy exceptional control and maneuverability thanks to the technology’s individual, steerable pods and joystick command. With these capabilities, Volvo Penta IPS makes it easier to drive and dock a larger yacht, without the need for a professional captain. It is an ideal package for both beginner-level and experienced captains – with ease of use, safety and control combining to deliver a seamless and intuitive experience.
All these benefits are enabled thanks to the unique design of the Volvo Penta IPS system. Twin counter-rotating propellers face forward and work in undisturbed water while the propeller thrust is parallel with the hull, so all power drives the boat forward. The individually steerable drives link to the joystick control and an electronic control system that delivers unbeatable maneuverability.
Compared with traditional inboard shaft systems the benefits of Volvo Penta IPS are truly impressive: cruising ranges that are up to 40% longer; top speeds that are up to 20% higher; fuel consumption that is up to 30% lower; CO2 emissions that are up to 30% lower; and perceived noise that is up to 50% lower.
The journey behind the innovation
The idea for Volvo Penta IPS was conceived from a desire to bring greater efficiency to propelling boats through the water. The engineers at Volvo Penta knew that delivering a big step forward would require radical new thinking. So, the propellers were flipped 180˚ and powered in a counter-rotating direction. This delivered the desired increase in speed and efficiency, but in the early versions, steering was unresponsive. To overcome this the old mechanical, hydraulic steering unit was ditched, and replaced with an electrically-steered unit, which continues to deliver unparalleled maneuverability to this day.
By the time of its commercial launch in 2005, Volvo Penta IPS was already a game-changer. Standing for Inboard Performance System, Volvo Penta IPS has powered thousands of boats worldwide, with new converts regularly discovering its benefits. It’s one of the most groundbreaking examples of innovation in the marine – or any other – industry of the past 20 years. And the stage is set for an important new chapter in its history.
“When we created Volvo Penta IPS, we knew we had something special, but even we have been surprised with the new possibilities it has opened up in terms of efficiency gains and control of the vessel,” says Björn Rönnvall, IPS Product Lead, Volvo Penta. “Our innovation is driven by the wonder of being on the water and the emotional connection we get from exploring and experiencing the natural world. Today we are pushing farther towards sustainability, and the evolution of Volvo Penta IPS is an exciting enabler that will make that happen, while simultaneously helping to shape new experiences in boating.”