How can you make sure that your mining operations are as efficient and profitable as possible? How can you be certain that your mining engines are up for the job? Here are some of the most important factors to consider in order to reduce TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) and improve uptime in mining operations.
Volvo Penta’s mining engines use exhaust aftertreatment systems to reduce their emissions. As less nitrogen oxides and hazardous particles are emitted, less ventilation is required. Consequently, operators can lower their energy costs while maintaining uptime. Our engines’ ventilation rate is determined by MSHA (the Mine Safety and Health Administration) in the United States, as well as CANMET (Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology) in Canada. Their certifications serve as international benchmarks for underground mining ventilation worldwide.
Predictive maintenance and mining engines with long service intervals help improve uptimePredictive maintenance allows operators and mining engine manufacturers to anticipate an engine’s service needs. Planned engine service intervals should also be few and far between. Volvo Penta’s mining engines have an approximate service interval of 1,000 hours. Service and repairs need to be accessible on-site or through a reliable, global service network. This not least since many mines are located in remote areas.
A robust mining engine should respond quickly at all times. Not only in terms of uptime and production stability, but for security reasons too. For example: when the operator exits the cockpit, the engine should switch off automatically, and do so smoothly even when running at high rpm.
Collaboration improves mining engine capacityAs for our mining engines, Volvo Penta conducts field tests inside mines (for up to 24 months). This as part of our product development, to make sure the engines perform as intended. This is an ongoing process, with obvious differences between customers and their applications. However, we are proud to say that all our industry engine models are used in mining applications around the world.
An aftermarket model that suits your needs and mining operationsVolvo Penta has a global presence, thanks to our dealer network and our parts distribution network. We are happy to assist you, wherever you are located. That said, many OEM and mining companies like to be self-serving, with key expertise and crucial components on-site at all times. Similarly, they often want to be able to conduct certain services and maintenance themselves. For these reasons, we are often able to tailor our aftermarket offer to suit customers’ specific wishes and requirements. To us, that is yet another method of efficiently reducing the TCO and improving the uptime of your mining operations.