Press releases
Automatic power trim, low-speed function and trip computer
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Automatic power trim, low-speed function and trip computer

Volvo Penta is introducing electronic products on a broad front in the marine industry. A series of new products incorporating the latest technology are now being launched to make life afloat simpler, safer, and more comfortable and convenient.

Power trim assistant
Power trim assistant is a function that automatically trims the boat optimally to match the engine speed, freeing the driver from the need to trim the boat manually and thus facilitating driving and enhancing safety. The boat driver can concentrate on driving, without the distraction of pressing trim buttons and checking a trim indicator. The driver can deactivate the automatic function at any time and trim the boat manually as before.

“The function is preprogrammed according to engine speed, but can easily be adapted to the boat’s individual characteristics,” explains Per Nestvall, product planner at Volvo Penta. “Installation is an equally simple matter, thanks to Volvo Penta’s EVC electronic platform and state-of-the-art CAN bus technology. All that is needed is the software package.”

Power trim assistant is available as an optional extra for all boats equipped with EVC engines and Aquamatic drive.

New low-speed function
Many boat-owners find that larger diesel engines result in their speed when idling being too high – when coming into a mooring for example. The low-speed function halves the speed when idling. A new low-speed function is now available for Volvo Penta’s larger diesel engines: the D6, D9 and D12.

“The low-speed function is nothing new in the marine world,” notes Per Nestvall. “But the unique feature of Volvo Penta’s low-speed function is that it does not require any special additional controls. Instead, the function is integrated with the normal throttle control, making maneuvering both smooth and safe, thanks to the sensitive electronic regulation without cables that EVC makes possible.”

In technical terms, the low-speed function is a friction clutch in the reverse gear combined with a software package linked to Volvo Penta’s EVC.

New trip log
Volvo Penta’s electronic platform EVC creates many possibilities for making life afloat safer, more comfortable and more convenient. The company’s new trip computer is an example of the latest innovations.

Via a single instrument, the boat owner can access virtually all data – from oil pressure to speed over ground and fuel consumption per distance traveled. The trip computer instrument is an analog tachometer with an integrated electronic display. It is supplied together with a small panel on which the boat-owner can choose the information to be displayed by the instrument.

It is possible to install up to four trip computer instruments on the boat. The instruments are compatible with all Volvo Penta’s EVC engines.

In its basic version, the trip computer instrument displays:

  • Engine speed
  • Engine hours
  • Coolant temperature
  • Oil pressure
  • Turbo pressure
  • Battery charge
  • Trim position
  • Warning lamps and alarms.

With additional gauges, the boat-owner can receive data on:

  • Rudder angle
  • Fresh-water level
  • Fuel level.

With a multisensor device, the boat-owner can receive data on:

  • Speed through water
  • Depth
  • Water temperature.

The trip computer can also be supplemented with a software package, enabling it to display, among other data:

  • Current fuel consumption (liters/distance)
  • Average fuel consumption
  • Estimated remaining travel distance with available fuel.

The new technology also enables modern navigational instruments using the international NMEA-2000 standard to display engine data via an interface.

For further information, please contact

Ann-Charlotte Emegård,
AB Volvo Penta,
phone: +46 31 66 84 18,

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