Volvo Penta launches new generation Electronic Vessel Control system
Press releases
Launching new generation of Electronic vessel control system
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Launching new generation of Electronic vessel control system

The sophisticated Electronic Vessel Control (EVC) System has been designed with the complete boat in mind. With an all- new electrical architecture, the upgraded EVC system (EVC2) offers new features, such as a single connection point and the possibility to manage EVC functions for the complete vessel and driveline independently.

When Volvo Penta’s pioneering EVC system was first launched in 2003 it was the height of innovation – and has remained so ever since. It has established itself as the benchmark thanks to introductions such as Joystick Docking, Dynamic Positioning System and Glass Cockpit. The EVC system has enabled the company to integrate these systems throughout the boat, delivering on Volvo Penta’s easy boating philosophy –making the boating experience easier and more accessible.

“The EVC system connects and manages the internal communications between the engine and driveline, levers and display screen – giving vessel owners integrated functionality and simpler operation, says Jonas Welinder, Production planner, Marine electronics at Volvo Penta.

With the introduction of EVC 2 the system gets a major update with a new electrical architecture that ensures faster software download, improved diagnostics and traceability, as well as offering the prospect of upgrading to additional functionality in the future.

With a new Satin Grey joystick and control lever, the system has also been updated visually to a more modern look and feel.

Greater independence
“The new EVC has been made with the intention of creating a complete vessel level approach to the system, making the EVC system more independent of the driveline to better prepare for the future,” continues Welinder. “While the engine is the propulsion unit the EVC is the electrical platform that controls the functionality and features. This allows an easy order, delivery and installation of both the engine and all the EVC features.”

Benefit for customers
A key new feature is the On-Board Maintenance Assistant, which informs users of service dates, as well as keeping track of past servicing and diagnostic information, with a real time clock.

Volvo Penta has also introduced steer-by-wire as a standard on both single and twin installation of the new DPI drive – eliminating the need for hydraulic fluid at the helm and making available EVC features such as Low speed and DPS (Dynamic Positioning System) to a wider range of applications.

The EVC 2 platform now has only a single connection point, regardless of how many engines are in the installation. This offers greater ease of maintenance, as well as enhanced software downloads and diagnostics.

Benefits for boat builders
The modern electrical architecture of the EVC 2 allows more features to be connected into the ecosystem of the vessel, giving builders more flexibility in the complete process of building a boat, all the way from ordering, manufacturing and delivery

In the future EVC 2 will act as the primary enabler, including remote diagnostics and connectivity. It will form the foundation for connecting all future features in a boat and allow new services to be uploaded anywhere in the world – when automated connected and electric features become available.

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