Be part of the future

Volvo Penta Career

A career with Volvo Penta means being part of something bigger. Being part of the entire Volvo Group and a global and diverse team. Where highly skilled professionals combine an agile way of working with technology, passion and devotion – to enhance and develop solutions and truly make a change. 

People at Volvo Penta

Inclusion to succeed

No matter where you come from, what you identify as, or what you’ve done previously – at Volvo Penta there is only a now and a we. It’s our differences that bind us together and make us work as a team, with an end-to-end perspective and sustainability foremost in our minds. We trust each other, and that creates success. 
Working at Volvo Penta

Courage to transform

We take pride in being innovative and encourage each other to try, learn and develop. Sometimes we fail, and that’s okay. We learn from it. We share our learnings and try again because we know that when we get it right, it will be game-changing.
What we are aiming for

Grow to win

When asked to sum up the Volvo Penta culture, we describe a fun and dynamic company. We believe in what we do and strive to make the world a better place. The atmosphere is warm and vibrant, and as employees or dealers, we do everything to make everybody a winner.
Volvo Penta jobs

Join us on the journey

Climate change calls for a solution. And Volvo Penta is committed to delivering on that. Innovation, collaboration, utilizing all available knowledge and technology are vital to providing sustainable power solutions. And whether you’re a student or a senior, join us on our journey for a better future, on land and at sea.

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Behind the scenes

Introducing the future of marine automation, Volvo Penta Assisted Docking. Enabling maneuvering in tight spaces and safeguarding easy boat docking, even in the most challenging conditions.
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Sign-up for the online #tecHER 2025 event!

#tecHER is a growing community of people who strive to foster increasing diversity through sharing stories and experiences, networking and mentoring. We publish a regular newsletter and organize get-togethers and online events aimed at encouraging a more level playing field for everyone who wishes to build a career in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) disciplines. Our next #tecHER online event is scheduled for March 20th. You can read more about the event and meet the speakers by following the link below.

Your ticket to a world of opportunities

A career at Volvo Penta

Summarizing your life and experience in words is both challenging and exciting and we can’t wait to hear from you!
Our journey has just begun

Yesterday & Tomorrow

Volvo Penta is 150 years young, and we have the whole future ahead of us. Ever since the first drawings were made, innovations have been key. And it is innovations that will lead us forward and beyond. 

Stay up to date by following us on Linkedin, Volvo Penta and Volvo Group.
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Map of city with water photographed at night time from above

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